David’s Garden by Sally Nacker

David’s Garden

Watercolor on paper

Here, purple coneflowers and stark red lilies
lift their seed and pollen to the air
like open hands, palms to the sky.

A way of thanking, David thinks,
of giving back for their brief life above the earth,
up from the dark world. Now

his wet, painted garden waits in bright light, and
David stands at the edge, looking in,
his artist brush still poised—

somewhere, in time, he imagines,
a singing goldfinch thirsts for seeds of a coneflower,
a hummingbird for a red lily.

~ After David’s Garden II, watercolor by Wendy Kleros ~

Sally Nacker received her MFA in Creative Writing from Fairfield University. Her poems continue to appear in journals, most recently Hawk and Whippoorwill, The Orchards Poetry Journal, HOOT, One Art, Your Daily Poem, Blue Unicorn, and The Sunlight Press. Sally has three collections: Vireo (2015), Night Snow (2017), and Kindness in Winter (just released); all published by Kelsay Books. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and their two cats. “David’s Garden” was exhibited on the walls of Fairfield University’s Downtown Bookstore in Fairfield, CT, as part of the BRAG Ekphrasis V Show in April.

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